Bringing HR Best Practice to Business


The Onboarding Process

The onboarding process refers to the comprehensive set of activities and procedures that an organization follows to welcome and integrate a new employee into the company. It is a critical phase in an employee’s journey and plays a significant role in their success and job satisfaction. A well-structured onboarding process

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10 ways to show appreciation to employees

These are all excellent strategies to foster a positive working environment and show appreciation for employees’ efforts. Here are 10 ways to encourage employees in the workplace:   1. Celebrating milestones Recognizing work anniversaries and birthdays shows that the company values and appreciates its employees.   2. Verbalizing gratitude Expressing

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10 Tips for Showing Appreciation to your Employer

Do you want to be that star employee that takes initiative in showing your appreciation to your Employer? Showing appreciation to employers in the workplace is a great way to foster a positive and supportive work environment.   Here are ten ways to express your gratitude and show appreciation to

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Importance of Values in a Company

Company values are the heartbeat of the company. Company values have been around in big corporates for many, many years. They have given companies a blueprint of who they want to invite into their space and how the company wants to be represented. Every value that businesses choose as their

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Connect, Engage, Action and Perform…

Do you ever wonder why certain employees are so passionate about their work and consistently outperform the rest of their team members, while others in contrast, are simply checked out, and disengaged with no zest at all?   Research indicates, that organisations with highly engaged employees have better productivity levels

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